who am I?

In a world dominated by those with something to prove, you occasionally run across a less popular group of people, whose key purpose is to sit in the background and observe as much as they can. These people have the innate ability to sit back, and watch and listen as the world goes by. Only awaking from a state of hibernation when the insult is obvious, when the shy are unable to speak, or when the action is so blatantly offensive, that not standing up would be an atrocity of mankind’s foundation. This group of people sit quietly in the shadows and spring into action when a contribution (big or small) is needed to continue the development of our society’s history, to be written in the distant future, and then return to the darkness from which they wait. These artists of creation fearlessly step in front of the oncoming trend, not to stop it in its tracks, but only to deflect it in a slightly different direction. Although not always apparent, or visible, this group does exist. Each one of us will have our time. Each one of these heroes will at one point help carve the sculpture of us. Until my time, I will be observing from the skies over you. Just look up. If at first you don’t see me, keep looking. With hope, enthusiasm, laughs, and a “some college” education; I will be returning the gaze, waiting for my time to fall in.

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